I now have a new job, and have been with the new employer for over a month. I thought it would be easy, knowing that I will be handling only the revenue part of the Accounting department. I handled the whole Accounting and Treasury department in my previous employer, a smaller company though, so I said, this would be easy. But I was wrong! The new employer is an established company in the telecoms industry, an unfamiliar industry for me. There are many terminologies and acronyms that I don't understand. I had to adjust in many aspects as well:
- waking up early because I cannot be late
- working on a 5 days compressed work-week at 9.6 hours per day (my mind wants to go home already by 5pm but I can't yet)
- slow processing of supplies and other requests, probably due to voluminous transactions that have to be prioritized
- new bosses, new subordinates, new co-workers
- new location of office, which is a little farther than my previous job
- i cannot take a leave of absence yet because I am still on probationary status
But in all of these, I cannot deny that there's this part of me that's excited and challenged by these changes, however drastic these may seem. My boss gave me 2 assignments this week, and though I am still formulating in my mind how to do and best present these, I am thrilled at the thought of actually doing and submitting these reports. And in all of these, God is constantly reminding me of His Word in Colossians 3:22-23: "Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." God has blessed me in many ways for maintaining a good relationship with my previous employer especially during the turnover period before I left the company. I pray that God will always remind me to please Him in all that I do in this new company.